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Annual Update: Gross Domestic Product

Houston has the seventh largest metro GDP in the nation.
Published on 4/8/21
Metro Rankings for GDP

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) estimates Houston’s gross domestic product (GDP) at $512.2 billion in ’19, ranking it as the nation’s seventh largest metro economy.

  • The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) estimates Houston’s gross domestic product (GDP) at $512.2 billion in ’19, ranking it as the nation’s seventh largest metro economy. 
  • Metro Houston’s GDP rose 2.9 percent from $498.0 billion in ’18 to $512.2 billion in ’19, a 10-year peak and the first time this decade that Houston’s GDP exceeded $500 billion. 
  • The Houston region has a gross domestic product greater than 37 states and accounts for 27.8 percent of Texas’ GDP. 
  • If Houston were an independent nation, the region would have the 27th largest economy in the world, placing it behind Belgium ($529.7 billion) and ahead of Nigeria ($448.1 billion).

Patrick Jankowski, CERP
Senior Vice President, Research

Heath Duran
Manager, Research

Economy Key Economic Indicators
$512.2 billion

Metro Houston's GDP in '19

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